GLOBALink | UN Chinese Language Day marked across world -Xinhua


GLOBALink | UN Chinese Language Day marked across world

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-04-23 21:13:04

The United Nations (UN) Chinese Language Day, which fell on Thursday, has been marked across the world with events highlighting the Chinese language and culture.

In Hanoi, Vietnam, hundreds of people gathered at the Confucius Institute at Hanoi University on Friday to explore Chinese calligraphy, painting, cuisine and music.

In Bulgaria, a Chinese singing contest and talent show was staged on Saturday.

As many as 14 solo performers and four groups from all over the country participated in the event, which was hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria.

According to the United Nations statistics, by the end of 2021, more than 180 countries and regions around the world had offered education in the Chinese language.

An educator in Argentina said that in his school, more children are learning Chinese and they think the course is fun.

In Zimbabwe, many young people are choosing to learn the Chinese language amid the increased economic engagement between Zimbabwe and China.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service


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